Although every effort has been made to provide complete, accurate, and current information, the Township of Easttown cannot guarantee the real-time accuracy, quality or completeness of the information provided.
The Township of Easttown, its officers, employees, agents and assigns make no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the contents of this website.
This website is a resource for information, but is not and does not constitute any official determination(s) of zoning designation, individual parcel data, or otherwise. You may contact the Township of Easttown with any questions, comments, or concerns, as well as for verification purposes. All content on this site if for informational and/or educational purposes only and is ultimately subject to final Township review and approval.
Information provided on this site should not be used for, or in lieu of legal, survey, engineering, financial, tax, or other professional advice. If specific real-time, and/or precise information is required, you should always use the original recorded documents, surveys, plats, flood insurance studies, or other official materials, as recognized and accepted by Easttown Township.
The Township of Easttown specifically disclaims liability for damages of any kind resulting from the use, misuse, or misrepresentation of any information contained herein.
All information posted on this site is public record.
Any links to other websites are provided merely as a convenience. Our linking to these sites does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service, or information found on them. Once you link to another site you are separately subject to the terms of use of that particular site.
The Township of Easttown reserves the right to amend the terms of use without advance notification. Any such change will become effective upon online posting.
Civic Webware
Effective date: August 24, 2017
is an online service of Civic Webware, LLC that municipalities can use to display information relating to their land use regulations online. Civic Webware is therefore not responsible for any of the content posted on this website. Please contact the municipality if you believe there are errors or omissions in the posted information.
Civic Webware reserves the right to amend the terms of use without advance notification. Any such change will become effective when posted online.